  • VIR­TUS 300 is desi­gned for in-line usage
  • Trans­fer units for various pro­duct types and appli­ca­ti­on situations
  • Easy inte­gra­ti­on into the pro­duc­tion lines
  • High speed prin­ting and labelling
  • Prin­ting head with a reso­lu­ti­on of 8 and 12 dots/mm
  • Available in right and left-hand-side versions
  • Extre­me­ly reliable
  • 600 m colour ribbon
  • Label un-wind­er with 300 or 400 mm outer diameter
  • CE-Cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on

The Prin­ter

The thermal/ ther­mal-trans­fer prin­ter is a robust prin­ter sui­ta­ble for exten­ded ope­ra­ting peri­ods and high pro­duc­tion cycles. It is fast, and due to its prin­ting speed of up to 300 mm  / second it can be used in pro­duc­tion lines with very high pro­duc­tion cycles. The reso­lu­ti­on of 8 or 12 dots/mm gua­ran­tees high pre­cis­i­on prints.

Prin­ting is even more eco­no­mic­al using the opti­mal trans­fer band optimisation.

As the prin­ter is available in both right and left-hand-side ver­si­ons, the­re is always an ide­al instal­la­ti­on solu­ti­on allo­wing for opti­mal func­tio­ning and operating.

The Appli­ca­ti­on Units

A lar­ge ran­ge of stan­dard units for label­ling from abo­ve, or from the side are available.

We can also adapt models to meet our cus­to­mers’ indi­vi­du­al specifications.

The optio­nal speed sen­sor allows the machi­ne to be ope­ra­ted at vary­ing speeds.

The Soft­ware

The user-fri­end­ly label prin­ting pro­gram­me Label­star Office / Nice Label allows for the most opti­mal usa­ge of the who­le sys­tem. It has been adapt­ed to inter­face with the Win­dows-Plat­forms and so the ente­ring of data for labels is very straight­for­ward. Texts, gra­phics, bar-codes and spe­cial fields can all be pro­grammed very easi­ly. Sophisti­ca­ted and func­tion­al labels can be desi­gned using both true type fonts and also with type fonts available in the prin­ter. It is pos­si­ble to make a direct con­nec­tion to various data bases via ODBC.

The inte­gra­ted SAP func­tion allows a file to be crea­ted sim­ply by cli­cking on the key­board, which can then be uploa­ded to an SAP script form.

spendeanlage virtus 300 skizze

The Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on

The VIR­TUS 300 can be run by any EDP/SPS. It is equip­ped with all com­mon inter­faces (Ether­net, USB, seri­al, par­al­lel). The stan­dard CF-Dri­ve allows it to be ope­ra­ted wit­hout using an EDP connection.Furthermore it has all the stan­dard signals (inputs and out­puts) to ensu­re an opti­mal inte­gra­ti­on into your system.