Etikettierer Almatic C Rundumetikettierung
Garburg Almatic C Etikettiermaschine für Rundum Etikettierung
Almatic Dosenetikettierung
Almatic C Skizze Etikettierer
  • Skin care & cle­an­sing products
  • Cos­me­tics & phar­maceu­ti­cal products
  • Food pro­ducts
  • Bever­a­ges
  • Che­mi­cal products
  • Con­fec­tion­ery
  • Food for pets
  • Tea & Coffee

The ALma­tic C bot­t­le labe­ler stands on a sta­ble alu­mi­num frame. The labe­ler can be adjus­ted cross­wi­se to the run­ning direc­tion by hand wheel. The sys­tem is modu­lar — the labe­ler can later be inte­gra­ted into auto­ma­tic pack­a­ging lines.

Optio­nal­ly, prin­ting is pos­si­ble inline via ther­mal trans­fer prin­ter. For prin­ting colo­red labels, we recom­mend our Epson C6000 color label prin­ter.

The semi-auto­ma­tic ALma­tic C is a labe­l­ing sys­tem for wrap-around labe­l­ing. ALma­tic C is a high pre­cis­i­on desk­top wrap-around labe­l­ing sys­tem / wraparound labe­l­ing sys­tem, with simp­le ope­ra­ti­on. that labels a wide ran­ge of cylind­ri­cal items from 12 mm to 110 mm. It can label not only cans, but also bot­t­les, jars and car­tridges. With appro­pria­te access­ories, the machi­ne can be con­fi­gu­red into a ful­ly auto­ma­tic labe­ler. Not only cans, but also bot­t­les, jars and car­tridges can be labeled.

  • High qua­li­ty wrap-around labe­l­ing machi­nes / desk­top wraparound labe­l­ing machine.
  • Label­ling of cylind­ri­cal pro­ducts with a dia­me­ter of 12 — 110 mm.
  • All opti­ons as available with our ful­ly auto­ma­tic machi­nes, inclu­ding trans­pa­rent sen­sors and full inline prin­ting machines

ALma­tic C is a high pre­cis­i­on semi-auto­ma­tic table­top labe­l­ing machi­ne for app­ly­ing self-adhe­si­ve labels to flat-sided non-coni­cal cylind­ri­cal pro­ducts. It is very easy to ope­ra­te by sli­ding the pro­duct on a high qua­li­ty line­ar rol­ler bea­ring assem­bly into the three-rol­ler dri­ve of the appli­ca­ti­on posi­ti­on and rota­ting the pro­duct at high speed for par­ti­al or full wraparound label application.

Based on the same mecha­ni­cal dri­ve sys­tem as our ful­ly auto­ma­tic machi­nes, ALma­tic C pro­vi­des an extre­me­ly high qua­li­ty and accu­ra­te labe­l­ing solu­ti­on that is com­pa­ti­ble with the full ran­ge of label coding and/or inspec­tion sys­tems available with the­se machi­nes. For exam­p­le, ALma­tic C can be equip­ped with a phar­maceu­ti­cal code laser scan­ner and/or in-line ther­mal prin­ter for batch, date code and/or 2D matrix prin­ting, making it ide­al for phar­maceu­ti­cal applications.

Ano­ther key strength of ALma­tic C is the abili­ty to be con­fi­gu­red for small dia­me­ter pro­ducts or even pro­ducts with pro­tru­si­ons, which requi­res a spe­cial roll arran­ge­ment. Of cour­se, ALma­tic C can be equip­ped with an ultra­so­nic label sen­sor for trans­pa­rent label stocks if required.

The fact that ALma­tic C is based on a ful­ly auto­ma­tic labe­l­ing head; The same head that we could use in an ALbelt machi­ne, for exam­p­le, offers the par­ti­cu­lar­ly inte­res­t­ing pos­si­bi­li­ty to enable the future upgrade patch to a more auto­ma­ted con­vey­or-based solu­ti­on for cus­to­mers with gro­wing labe­l­ing volumes.