compa 2
compa2 etikettendrucker serie

The opti­mal matching of trans­fer rib­bon, label and pres­su­re power enable the Com­pa II to print onto type pla­tes, adhe­si­ve labels, paper, card­board, tex­ti­le and pla­s­tic. Fast and easi­ly sui­ta­ble labels with an abra­si­on, wea­ther and che­mi­cal resistant prin­tout can be obtai­ned. A lifel­ong iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on of your pro­duct and tracea­bi­li­ty with the help of seri­al num­bers is gua­ran­teed. The Requi­re­ments of a relia­ble label­ling e.g. for the auto­mo­bi­le indus­try are guaranteed.

You can quick­ly and easi­ly obtain sui­ta­ble labels with an abra­si­on-resistant, wea­ther- and che­mi­cal-resistant print image. This ensu­res lifel­ong iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on of your pro­duct and tracea­bi­li­ty with the help of the seri­al number.

The requi­re­ments of relia­ble label­ling, for exam­p­le for the auto­mo­ti­ve indus­try, are gua­ran­teed. The main objec­ti­ve of the deve­lo­p­ment was to ensu­re simp­le and con­ve­ni­ent ope­ra­ti­on as well as high relia­bi­li­ty — even under rough ope­ra­ting conditions.

The housing and the print mecha­nism are made of high-qua­li­ty mate­ri­als and per­fect­ly matched to each other. Every cus­to­mer requi­re­ment, howe­ver spe­ci­fic, is imple­men­ted with the exten­si­ve peri­pherals and software.

  • Lar­ge label rolls up to a dia­me­ter of 200 mm
  • Print speed up to 200 mm/s
  • Simp­lest ope­ra­ting and main­ten­an­ce ability
  • Lar­ge gra­phic dis­play with 132 x 64 pixels and white back­ground lighting
  • Seri­al, par­al­lel, LAN and USB port
  • Opti­on WLAN 802.11 b/g interface
  • 2‑fold USB host for con­nec­tion of USB key­board and memo­ry stick as well as a slot for Com­pact Flash cards
  • Inser­ti­on for Com­pact Flash card
  • Stand-alo­ne mode


Addi­tio­nal information

Micra Etikettendrucker offen

Cut­ting unit

The rota­ry cut­ter per­mits cut­ting of labels up to 200 g/m². Sin­gle cut, inter­val cut and final cut can be sel­ec­ted. The cut­ter can be easi­ly and quick­ly atta­ched to the prin­ter with two pins and fixed with a screw.

Micra Abschneidevorrichtung Rotation

Label dis­pen­sing device

For dis­pen­sing labels, an addi­tio­nal pho­to­elec­tric bar­ri­er or dis­pen­ser inputs are requi­red. The prin­ting pro­cess is acti­va­ted after the label has been remo­ved via the pho­to­elec­tric sen­sor or via an exter­nal signal at the dis­pen­sing input. The car­ri­er mate­ri­al is wound up with the stan­dard inter­nal win­ding device.

Exter­nal label rewinders

With the PR 10 and PR 15 rewinders, label rolls up to a dia­me­ter of 210 mm can be hand­led. The rewinders are screwed direct­ly to the prin­ter. The maxi­mum dia­me­ter of the PR 12 and PR 17 rewinders is 300 mm and thanks to an inter­nal power sup­p­ly, they are equal­ly sui­ta­ble for all prin­ter types. Elec­tro­nic con­trol via the pen­dulum arm ensu­res an even and taut win­ding of all win­ding devices.