
Print your own labels

With the TM-C3500, you can easi­ly cus­to­mi­ze and print your own color labels. Whe­ther it’s prin­ting pack­a­ging labels with colorful logos and pic­tures or tickets and ID cards with important bar­codes and pro­duct infor­ma­ti­on, this prin­ter ensu­res you can print it all from one machi­ne. It also helps you con­form with GHS inter­na­tio­nal che­mi­cal label­ling gui­de­lines, as labels can be prin­ted on-demand wit­hout using pre-prin­ted templates.

  • High — qua­li­ty four — colour inkjet printing(CMYK)
  • Prin­ting speed up to 103 mm / second
  • Save money — with sepa­ra­te sin­gle car­tridges you can replace only the used ink
  • Inte­gra­ted auto­ma­tic paper cutter
  • Auto­ma­tic nozz­le test system
  • Con­forms to BS5609 cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on (sea­wa­ter resistance)
  • Com­pli­ance with inter­na­tio­nal GHS gui­de­lines for the label­ling of chemicals
  • smear and water­pro­of prin­ting, acid, che­mi­cal and light resistant
  • Soft­ware for easy set­up included in delivery


Addi­tio­nal information


High-qua­li­ty and durable

Thanks to the indi­vi­du­al pig­ment ink car­tridges, you can crea­te fast-dry­ing, high­ly detail­ed labels that are smudge, water and fade resistant. Not only will your labels look gre­at, but the pig­ment ink’s long-las­ting, dura­ble qua­li­ties make it per­fect for a wide varie­ty of environments.


Saving your money

Thanks to indi­vi­du­al pig­ment ink car­tridges, this label prin­ter is ide­al for cut­ting prin­ting cos­ts with its low cost-per-label, as you only need to replace the colour used. Prin­ting labels on demand with the C3500 redu­ces the cos­ts asso­cia­ted with pre-prin­ting, e. g. for sto­ring the labels. Thanks to the use of sepa­ra­te sin­gle car­tridges, only the used ink needs to be repla­ced, which fur­ther redu­ces the cost per prin­tout. The print head is desi­gned to last for the life of the prin­ter, so you don’t have to replace it.


Easy-to-use 4‑colour label printer

You can easi­ly print on a wide sel­ec­tion of mate­ri­als, inclu­ding mat­te and glos­sy coa­ted paper and fil­mic labels. This means you can crea­te exact­ly the type of labels you need. The LCD screen dis­plays ink levels and prin­ter sta­tus infor­ma­ti­on, while front ope­ra­ti­on and easy set­up soft­ware means you can ope­ra­te the prin­ter wit­hout spe­cia­list training.


Chan­ge label rolls

You save time and stay fle­xi­ble thanks to the easy label change.

Access­ories Main­ten­an­ce Box

The was­te ink con­tai­ner is easi­ly accessible.

Scope of delivery

  • Main Unit
  • Dri­vers and uti­li­ties (CD)
  • Ope­ra­ting instructions
  • Power sup­p­ly unit
  • sepa­ra­te sin­gle cardridges
  • Main­ten­an­ce Box
Regaletiketten von gestern und morgen 2019

Take your labe­l­ing to a new level with cus­tom and color shelf labels by Color Works.

  • Your stores are desi­gned with gre­at atten­ti­on to detail and shop­ping in your store has beco­me a real experience
  • High-qua­li­ty store design meets sophisti­ca­ted mer­chan­di­se presentation.

But how does it look in the scan­ner bar?

  • Black-and-white stan­dard labels or sin­gle-color pro­mo­tio­nal labels can no lon­ger keep up.
Epson Etikettendrucker C3500

Get more out of your shelf labels

  • Dis­co­ver our solu­ti­on for indi­vi­du­al shelf labels! Sim­ply con­vin­cing design, easy to hand­le and still con­vin­cin­g­ly inexpensive!
  • Attrac­ti­ve and mer­chan­di­se group-ori­en­ted design
  • No stock­pi­ling of pre-prin­ted pro­mo­tio­nal labels
  • Sales-pro­mo­ting addi­tio­nal information
  • Pro­mo­ti­ons direct­ly on the shelf label, e.g.
  • Cross-sel­ling promotions
  • mul­ti-buy promotions
  • Spe­cial offers
  • The­me and sea­so­nal promotions