etikettendrucker vario3
vario3 mit aufwickelvorrichtung

Best­sel­ling device in alre­a­dy its third generation

The Vario series, which has alre­a­dy pro­ved suc­cessful for a num­ber of years, has been revi­sed both tech­ni­cal­ly and visual­ly and Vario III com­bi­nes all the func­tions of a solid and extre­me­ly relia­ble label prin­ter with excel­lent ease of use. Like its pre­cur­sors, the new device also has all the well-known opti­ons such as the cut­ter unit, dis­pen­ser unit, exter­nal rewinder, RFID and scan­ner. A WLAN inter­face for radio data trans­fer can be instal­led as a new option.

The lar­ge, optio­nal 7″ touch­screen dis­play is easy and con­ve­ni­ent to ope­ra­te. The use of a cur­sor, mou­se or simi­lar is super­fluous becau­se thanks to sta­te-of-the-art tech­no­lo­gy, the touch­screen dis­play can be ope­ra­ted with your fin­ger­tips in the same way as cur­rent smart­phones or tablet PCs. The Vario III is made from recy­clable com­pon­ents and mate­ri­als. The series ran­ge also uses very litt­le energy.

This way you will always reach your desi­red result!

With the Vario III we wan­ted to give you fle­xi­bi­li­ty on the job site, so it is equip­ped with its own key­board and can be ope­ra­ted wit­hout a PC. The Vario III stores every label you crea­te and keeps it rea­dy for you in the memory.

The Vario III even con­trols the prin­ting pro­ces­ses on its own.

  • Prin­ting speed up to 200 mm/second
  • Lar­ge gra­phic dis­play (ide­al for dis­play­ing inter­na­tio­nal signs and spe­cial sym­bols) with 132 x 64 pixels and white backlight.
  • Stan­dard inte­gra­ted LAN, USB as well as seri­al and par­al­lel interface.
  • Opti­on WLAN 802.11 b/g interface
  • Print reso­lu­ti­on 200 dpi, 300 dpi and 600 dpi
  • 2 x USB host for con­nec­tion of USB key­board / USB stick
  • Inser­ti­on for Com­pact Flash card
  • Opti­on new­ly deve­lo­ped cut­ting unit
  • Opti­on dis­pen­ser unit
  • Opti­on Barcode-Scanner


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