vita2 etikettendrucker
vita2 etikettendrucker serie

Vita II –a pre­cis­i­on talent as a label printer

More fle­xi­bi­li­ty. More effi­ci­en­cy. More reliability.

The Vita II series com­bi­nes fle­xi­bi­li­ty, effi­ci­en­cy and relia­bi­li­ty to a com­pact tech­no­lo­gy on smal­lest space. Thanks to its up-to-date tech­ni­que the Vita II is best-pre­pared for future requirements.

It goes wit­hout say­ing that all prin­ters of this series are equip­ped by default with LAN 802.3 10/100 inter­face and an USB host to con­nect USB key­board and memo­ry stick. Bey­ond that the Vita II series is sui­ta­ble for working in stand-alo­ne mode owing to the lar­ge gra­phic dis­play. Bes­i­de the cur­rent prin­theads for ther­mal trans­fer prin­ting we pro­vi­de long-living prin­theads par­ti­cu­lar­ly for ther­mal direct printing.

For appli­ca­ti­ons with extre­me fine gra­phics or small fonts a high-reso­lu­ti­on prin­thead with 24 dot/mm (600 dpi) is offered.

  • Prin­ting speed up to 200 mm/second
  • Gra­phic dis­play with white back­ground lighting
  • Seri­al, par­al­lel, LAN and USB port
  • Opti­on WLAN 802.11 b/g interface
  • Print reso­lu­ti­on: 200 dpi, 300 dpi and 600 dpi
  • Opti­on Guil­lo­ti­ne cut­ter unit
  • 2 x USB host for con­nec­tion of USB keyboard/USB stick
  • Inser­ti­on for Com­pact Flash card


Addi­tio­nal information


Abwickelvorrichtung VITA II

Label unwin­d­er PA 50A

Label rol
Max exter­nal dia­me­ter of label roll: 300 mm
Max. Label width: 150 mm
Core dia­me­ter: 40 mm (optio­nal 75 mm)

Height x Width x Depth
334 x 240 x 250 mm

Verbindungsset für Abwickelvorrichtung

Con­nec­tion set for rewinder and unwin­d­er units

For exact adjus­t­ment of exter­nal rewinding units PR 12, PR 17, PR 45 II and the exter­nal unwin­ding unit PA 50A to the printer.

Compact Flash Card

Com­pact Flash Card (2 GB)

Com­pact Flash Cards for sto­ring labels and data for stand-alo­­ne ope­ra­ti­on in the printer.


WLAN for Vita and Com­pa Series

The label prin­ters Vita and Com­pa can optio­nal­ly be equip­ped with a WLAN inter­face. This allows the direct, wire­less con­nec­tion of the­se prin­ters to a wire­less LAN.

The used “bridge” for­wards the WLAN data to the inter­nal, second seri­al inter­face of the prin­ter. If data is sent by the prin­ter via the seri­al inter­face, it is trans­mit­ted via the exis­ting WLAN connection.

vita2 abschneidevorrichtung

Cut­ter unit

The guil­lo­ti­ne cut­ter per­mits cut­ting of labels up to 220 g/m².

Sin­gle cut, inter­val cut and final cut can be selected.

vita2 spendevorrichtung

Dis­pen­ser unit with photocell

The pho­to­cell reco­gni­zes the label in the dis­pen­sing posi­ti­on and inter­rupts the print order. After remo­ving the label by hand the next label is prin­ted immediately.

vita2 grafik display

Stand-alo­ne operation

This sys­tem is ide­al for stand-alo­ne ope­ra­ti­on, thanks to its stan­dard con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on with a USB 2‑fold host for con­nec­ting a USB key­board, a memo­ry stick and a Com­pact Flash dri­ve. With the lar­ge gra­phic dis­play, key­board ent­ries as well as inter­na­tio­nal cha­rac­ter sets and spe­cial cha­rac­ters can now be con­ve­ni­ent­ly displayed.

vita2 snittstellen

High-per­for­mance connections

The prin­ters of the Vita II series have four powerful inter­nal inter­faces as stan­dard. An inter­nal LAN 802.3 10/100 inter­face has been added to the par­al­lel, seri­al and USB inter­face for con­nec­tion in the net­work. Optio­nal­ly, a WLAN 802.11 b/g inter­face can be instal­led for wire­less data trans­mis­si­on. Fur­ther­mo­re, a 2‑fold USB host for the con­nec­tion of a USB key­board and a USB memo­ry stick is integrated.

vita2 aufwickelvorrichtung

Exter­nal Rewinder

With the PR 48 exter­nal rewinding device, labels up to a dia­me­ter of 180 mm can be wound. The rewinder is con­nec­ted direct­ly to the prin­ter and the­r­e­fo­re does not requi­re its own power sup­p­ly. The PR 49 rewinding device is used for win­ding the car­ri­er mate­ri­al in the printer’s dis­pen­sing mode.

vita2 etikettendrucker

Ther­mal trans­fer or direct ther­mal printing

The Vita II series offers a sel­ec­tion of print reso­lu­ti­ons (200,300 and 600 dpi) for ther­mal trans­fer prin­ting. In direct ther­mal ope­ra­ti­on, they deci­de bet­ween reso­lu­ti­ons of 200 dpi or 300 dpi. Spe­cial print heads with a long ser­vice life are used in direct ther­mal applications.