
Clea­ning Set for ther­mal and ther­mal trans­fer printers

To gua­ran­tee fault­less and smooth ope­ra­ti­on of your label prin­ting sys­tem you have strict­ly to obser­ve cer­tain pre­cau­ti­ons res. Clea­ning instructions.

The prin­thead is the most important and most expen­si­ve wea­ring part and its life depends on the envi­ron­men­tal con­di­ti­ons: dust, adhe­si­ve rema­in­ders of labels or other dirt par­tic­les which accu­mu­la­te by trans­fer rib­bon res. labels under the prin­thead, can dama­ge the prin­thead or redu­ce its life.

The­r­e­fo­re the prin­thead must be clea­ned in regu­lar inter­vals about 1–2 times per week eit­her with prin­thead and prin­troll sol­vent or in case of very strong con­ta­mi­na­ti­on addi­tio­nal­ly with the clea­ning foil. In such cases the pres­su­re roll which can also be con­ta­mi­na­ted by label adhe­si­ves or other dirt must be clea­ned with a cloth made of fleece in con­nec­tion with the prin­thead and prin­troll sol­vent. It is notal­lo­wed to use objects such as cut­ter, she­ars or other hard parts! The label pho­to­cell has per­fect­ly to detect the gaps bet­ween the labels and the­r­e­fo­re the pho­to­cell must be clea­ned in regu­lar inter­vals about once per week with the clea­ning card or the com­pres­sed­gas spray. Plea­se take the exact clea­ning notes from the gui­dance in the clea­ning set.

The clea­ning set con­sists of:

  • Print head and rol­ler clea­ner 250 ml
  • com­pres­sed gas to blow out the light bar­ri­er 200 ml
  • 22 Wipes
  • 5 Clea­ning spatula
  • 2 Clea­ning cards
  • 1 Print head clea­ning film
  • Label remo­ve spray 200 ml
