etikettenspender abgekuendigt

Adhe­si­ve Label Dis­pen­ser — discontinued

Semi-auto­ma­tic Label Dis­pen­ser HES 140

The Label Dis­pen­ser is can­cel­led – plea­se cont­act our sales depart­ment. We are plea­sed to offer you an alter­na­ti­ve of the latest generation.

The HES 140 is ide­al­ly sui­ted for fast and effort­less dis­pen­sing of stan­dard indus­tri­al labels on rolls or fan­fold paper. It pro­vi­des the ide­al method to pro­cess labels effi­ci­ent­ly and in a cost saving manner.

The dis­pen­ser can be ide­al­ly used in all situa­tions whe­re it is not eco­no­mic­al­ly via­ble to use an auto­ma­tic dis­pen­ser, or whe­re labels are appli­ed de-cen­tral­ly at seve­ral loca­ti­ons. The labels are auto­ma­ti­cal­ly sepa­ra­ted from the car­ri­er via a dis­pen­sing edge, using a geared dri­ve engi­ne, and can then be remo­ved by hand and the next one is then prepared.
The inte­gra­ted car­ry­ing hand­le allows for the machi­ne to be trans­por­ted easi­ly to various locations.

Despi­te its com­pact con­s­truc­tion, the HES 140 can pro­cess labels with a maxi­mum width of 140 mm and a reel dia­me­ter of maxi­mum 200 mm wit­hout dif­fi­cul­ty. The cont­act free scan­ning of the labels with a light bar­ri­er, makes it easy to switch to various label sizes.

The dri­ve shaft also func­tions as the win­ding rol­ler for the release paper, which keeps the work­place neat and tidy.
The num­ber of labels dis­pen­sed is cle­ar­ly shown in a LCD coun­ter dis­play. The indi­vi­du­al com­pon­ents used were cho­sen on account of their long-las­ting life.
The shafts, dis­pen­sing metal and win­ding rol­ler are all made from stain­less steel. The pow­der coa­ting of the metal parts, the robust syn­chro­nis­ed dri­ve engi­ne, the cont­act free scan­ning of the labels using sen­sors etc, all redu­ce the wear and tear to a minimum.

etikettenspender SP120

The Label Dis­pen­ser is can­cel­led – plea­se cont­act our sales depart­ment. We are plea­sed to offer you an alter­na­ti­ve of the latest generation.

The ide­al solu­ti­on for fast and effi­ci­ent label­ling jobs.

Stan­dard indus­tri­al labels are inser­ted as a roll or fan­fold. They are auto­ma­ti­cal­ly sepa­ra­ted from the release paper and appli­ed. Once a label has been dis­pen­sed, the next one is auto­ma­ti­cal­ly prepared.

The cont­act free scan­ning uses a light bar­ri­er, this means that the machi­ne does not need to be adjus­ted fur­ther. The com­pact and robust con­s­truc­tion of the SPI20/1 makes it also ide­al for de-cen­tra­li­sed label­ling jobs.