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Your part­ner for prin­ting and labe­l­ing systems

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Gar­burg labels

Modern mar­king tech­no­lo­gy tail­o­red to your requirements

Gar­burg – Not­hing but the best 

When­ever you need a label, then you need the best pos­si­ble qua­li­ty – a label that meets all your requi­re­ments. The most dura­ble. The safest. The hig­hest visibility.

Whe­ther for pipes, or a Bal­tic Sea pipe­line at a depth of 30 met­res, whe­ther for extre­me heat and wea­ther con­di­ti­ons in the metal industry,

or whe­ther you need air bag labels with extra dura­bi­li­ty for the auto­mo­ti­ve sec­tor – we at Gar­burg pro­vi­de opti­mal label­ling solu­ti­ons for all your requirements.

We pro­vi­de labels for all busi­ness sec­tors and to meet the toug­hest chal­lenges in all conditions.

At Gar­burg we, like you, under­stand how important it is to meet sophisti­ca­ted con­su­mer demands and to com­ply with all the rele­vant legal label­ling requirements.

Wha­te­ver your label­ling needs, we offer solu­ti­ons to meet all your requi­re­ments pre­cis­e­ly. Eit­her from our stan­dard pro­duct ran­ge – or if requi­red, by deve­lo­ping an inno­va­ti­ve, tail­or-made solu­ti­on, desi­gned to meet your indi­vi­du­al com­pa­ny specifications.

We are com­mit­ted to pro­vi­ding: Not­hing but the best!

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Wide Pro­ductran­ge

We have the over­view of your needs.

Indus­try Solutions

Even hard nuts we crack break with modern
tech­no­lo­gy and our many years of experience.

Stuff & Service

Our phi­lo­so­phy – stop is arrears!

Our pro­ducts

Cus­to­mi­zed solu­ti­ons for needs.
Get to know our pro­duct range.

Labe Design Software


Trans­fer Ribbons

Garburg Etikettierung von Glaesern Produkt 05





Label Dis­pen­ser

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Farbetikettendrucker Epson Color Works C7500G

Prin­ter for Colour Labels

We are here for you!

Espe­ci­al­ly in the­se times, it is important to have a relia­ble partner.

Indus­try Solutions

Indi­vi­du­el­le Lösun­gen für Ihre Branche.
Brin­gen Sie Ihre Kenn­zeich­nung auf ein neu­es Level.


Sol­vent- and wea­ther-resistant labels, auto­ma­tic label­ling . The two-colour prin­ter of the Duo­Print series meets the requi­re­ments for sort­ing and label­ling sys­tem accor­ding to GHS (EG) Nr. 1272/2008 and BS5609 sea water resistant.


Poly­es­ter foil T9003V is espe­ci­al­ly desi­gned for the secu­re and relia­ble label­ling of machi­nes and spa­re parts. Attempts to remo­ve the label will result in the cover­ed squa­res being cle­ar­ly sepa­ra­ted from the foil, and remai­ning parts stay­ing atta­ched to the sur­face underneath.

Medi­cal Technology

The wide varie­ty of appli­ca­ti­ons in the medi­cal and phar­maceu­ti­cal sec­tor place a num­ber of demands on labels for this area, like for exam­p­le a migra­ti­on free adhe­si­ve or to with­stand dif­fe­rent ste­ri­li­sa­ti­on pro­ce­du­res etc.


Gar­burg label­ling tech­no­lo­gy pro­vi­des solu­ti­ons for all the very exac­ting demands and requi­re­ments for label­ling in the auto­mo­ti­ve sec­tor. The engi­ne area requi­res labels with high adhe­si­ve pro­per­ties, which can with­stand high tem­pe­ra­tures and extre­me wea­ther con­di­ti­ons. Natu­ral­ly all labels pro­vi­de con­stant adhe­si­ve properties.

Tim­ber and Fur­ni­tu­re Labelling

Label­ling of cut-to-size tim­ber pie­ces for fur­ther pro­ces­sing – whilst cut-to-size tim­ber pie­ces requi­re extre­me­ly hea­vy duty adhe­si­ves, fur­ni­tu­re panels requi­re a spe­cial kind of adhe­si­ve so they can be easi­ly remo­ved lea­ving no traces.


An indus­try which focu­ses so high­ly on pre­cis­i­on work can also rely on Gar­burg to pro­vi­de first class pre­cis­i­on in label­ling tech­no­lo­gy. We meet all your requi­re­ments with the utmost precision.

Buil­ding Sector

The buil­ding sec­tor is cha­rac­te­ri­sed by rough and dus­ty sur­faces, extre­me varia­ti­ons in wea­ther and tem­pe­ra­tu­re of all kinds. Label­ling in this busi­ness must meet a wide varie­ty of extre­me requi­re­ments and sur­roun­dings, as well as the CE-Approval.

Car­pet Manufacture

Labels of ace­tate silk are ide­al for label­ling car­pets. The com­bi­na­ti­on of fle­xi­ble silk and hea­vy duty adhe­si­ves means that the label can be affi­xed per­fect­ly to the under­si­de of the carpet.

Food Manu­fac­tu­ring Sector

Label­ling of pro­ducts, trays and pal­lets, high speed and auto­ma­tic label­ling, label­ling for RFID. QR-Codes pro­vi­de opti­mal traceability.

Metal Indus­try

Gar­burg meets the requi­re­ments of the metal indus­try with heat and wea­ther resistant labels. Natu­ral­ly the­se are all sol­vent resistant and stick well to pro­blem surfaces.

Glass and Cera­mics Industry

A revo­lu­ti­on in label­ling tech­no­lo­gy: Labels and adhe­si­ve which total­ly dis­sol­ve in cold water –and wit­hout lea­ving any traces! Or alter­na­tively we can sup­p­ly hea­vy duty adhe­si­ves which are tam­per free as they can­not be re-positioned.

Logi­stics / Storage

The most up to date label­ling tech­no­lo­gy, com­bi­ned with RFID or bar­codes, gives you full con­trol over sto­rage and loa­ding of goods at all times.

Over 3052

Satis­fied customers

Over 67 years

Qua­li­ty Made in Germany


Ser­vice & Support


Prin­ted labels

Gar­burg News

171618 Garburg Etiketten Drucksysteme GmbH QM WA en HZERT 24 pet PDF 2 pdf
Vario V Touch Labelprinter