
The new bench­mark for the indus­tri­al prin­ting of colour labels!

The Epson Color­Works C7500 gives you inde­pen­dence: it prints high qua­li­ty on demand, full colour dura­ble labels. The C7500 prints at a breath­ta­king speed of up to 300 mm per second. A reso­lu­ti­on of 600 x 1,200 dpi, in com­bi­na­ti­on with the Epson’s pig­ment ink, ensu­re for high print qua­li­ty labels which will not fade, and which are both smudge-pro­of and water­pro­of. Choo­se the C7500 if you wish to pro­du­ce espe­ci­al­ly dura­ble prin­touts with DuraB­ri­te Ultra Ink on matt mate­ri­als. For even hig­her qua­li­ty labels on glos­sy media, choo­se the C7500G.

For even hig­her qua­li­ty labels on glos­sy media, choo­se the C7500G.

  • Indus­tri­al colour label prin­ter with inkjet technology
  • Extre­me­ly fast prin­ting with up to 300 mm/s
  • Supe­ri­or print qua­li­ty with up to 600x1200 dpi
  • Long-las­ting, relia­ble, per­ma­nent print head
  • Smear and water­pro­of prin­ting, acid, che­mi­cal and light resistant
  • Sepa­ra­te, lar­ge-volu­me ink cartridges
  • Eco­no­mic­al­ly effi­ci­ent thanks to four sepa­ra­te ink cartridges
  • Prin­ting width: 46 mm — 108 mm
  • Auto­ma­tic cut­ting unit
  • Two ver­si­ons for matt (C7500) and glos­sy labels (C7500G)
  • New ESC/Label prin­ter lan­guage for inte­gra­ti­on with vir­tual­ly any ope­ra­ting system
  • low main­ten­an­ce, low down­ti­me: Per­ma­nent print head and auto­ma­tic nozz­le check for auto­ma­tic maintenance


Addi­tio­nal information

Druckergebnisse 1

Relia­ble and con­sis­tent prin­ting results

The C7500 helps com­pa­nies crea­te dura­ble, high qua­li­ty labels in-house as nee­ded. The prin­ter is equip­ped with the new Pre­cis­i­on Core print head that deli­vers relia­ble, high-qua­li­ty print results.

Druckpatronen 1

Cost effec­ti­ve

Prin­ting labels on demand with the C7500 redu­ces the cos­ts asso­cia­ted with pre-prin­ting, for exam­p­le: for sto­ring the labels and dis­po­sing of resi­du­al quan­ti­ties. Thanks to the use of lar­ge-volu­me sepa­ra­te sin­gle car­tridges, only the used ink needs to be repla­ced, which redu­ces the cost per car­tridge, expres­si­on fur­ther lowers. The print head is desi­gned to last for the life of the prin­ter so you don’t have to replace it.


Low main­ten­an­ce and easy to operate

Our latest prin­ter lan­guage ESC/Label enables prin­ter inte­gra­ti­on in almost any appli­ca­ti­on. The device is also sup­pli­ed with all the neces­sa­ry soft­ware tools to sup­port prin­ter inte­gra­ti­on. The auto­ma­tic nozz­le check also pre­vents clog­ging of the nozz­les and thus helps with auto­ma­tic maintenance.

Rollenwechsel 1

Chan­ging roles

Thanks to the simp­le chan­ging of rolls, you save time and remain flexible.



The optio­nal take-up reel is the ide­al com­ple­ment to the C7500 series. For fur­ther pro­ces­sing of the prin­ted labels we offer you the semi-auto­ma­tic and ful­ly auto­ma­tic label dis­pen­sers. Talk to us about it!

High prin­ting speeds

Quick­ly crea­te dif­fe­rent high-qua­li­ty labels, for exam­p­le for food pro­ducts, Pack­a­ging, EU ener­gy effi­ci­en­cy labels or hazard labels accor­ding to CLP/GHS direc­ti­ve. With print speeds of up to 300 mm/second, you can now achie­ve Print full-color labels at the same speed as with some tra­di­tio­nal mono­chro­me ther­mal printers.