bedruckung folienverpackungen

With the estab­lished Dyna­code series, we set new stan­dards for the prin­ting of foil pack­a­ging. The key­word here is fle­xi­bi­li­ty: mode, speed, print reso­lu­ti­on, instal­la­ti­on posi­ti­on — the­re are no limits regar­ding the wis­hes and needs of our customers.

The new pro­duct line Dyna­code II is not­hing other than the logi­cal con­ti­nua­tion of a suc­cess sto­ry. Below we will show you all ope­ra­ting modes and pro­duct com­pon­ents of the system.

Con­ti­nuous mode

When prin­ting con­ti­nuous­ly the prin­thead stands still while the pack­a­ging foil is gui­ded through. Prin­ting takes place during the ope­ra­ti­on of pack­a­ging machine.

Inter­mit­tent mode

When prin­ting inter­mit­tent­ly the prin­thead moves over the foil in order to move back to initi­al posi­ti­on. Prin­ting takes place while the machi­ne is at a short standstill, fre­quent­ly while pack­a­ging is being filled.

  • Inter­mit­tent and con­ti­nuous mode free­ly selectable
  • Dis­play of remai­ning trans­fer rib­bon for quick rib­bon changes
  • Up to 900m trans­fer rib­bon for long pro­duc­tion times
  • Opti­mal trans­fer rib­bon usage
  • All com­mon inter­faces for fast data exchange
  • Mini­mum of wear parts
  • Intui­ti­ve gra­phi­cal user inter­face with icon buttons
  • WYSI­WYG dis­play with pre­view for veri­fy­ing the layout
  • 7″ touch-screen colour display

dynacode ansteuerelektronik

Con­trol Unit

The con­trol unit of the Dyna­code II fea­tures an intui­ti­ve user inter­face with icon but­tons and a 7“ colour touch-screen dis­play with pre­view for veri­fy­ing the lay­out. This makes it very easy to keep con­trol over the print configuration.

dynacode einbaurahmen

Bra­cket Systems

Our bra­cket sys­tems per­mit an uncom­pli­ca­ted inte­gra­ti­on in your pack­a­ging line. The new­ly posi­tio­ned return pul­leys and the regis­tra­ti­on unit which can be moun­ted on all sides, offer a broad scope of varia­ti­on of the foil run.

dynacode linke ausfuehrung

Left and reight Version

Again for Dyna­code II we offer the bra­cket sys­tems as a left-moun­ted and right-moun­ted vari­ant. Hori­zon­tal and ver­ti­cal moun­ting is vir­tual­ly unli­mi­t­ed: maxi­mum flexibility.

High-qua­li­ty mar­king at low ope­ra­ting costs

By using trans­fer rib­bons with a length of up to 900 m, the dyna­code allows for less fre­quent rib­bon chan­ges. The high rib­bon capa­ci­ty direct­ly redu­ces ope­ra­ting costs.

In addi­ti­on to stan­dard opti­miza­ti­on, Shift and Save Start opti­miza­ti­on are also available for opti­mum trans­fer rib­bon uti­liza­ti­on. The opti­mi­sa­ti­on enables the gap bet­ween the indi­vi­du­al lay­outs to be redu­ced to up to 1 mm across the roll length. Over­prin­ting is avo­ided and a con­stant high pres­su­re qua­li­ty is gua­ran­teed. The auto­ma­tic film-saving fea­ture redu­ces down­ti­me and allows even grea­ter use of trans­fer belts.

IP Ver­si­on

The splash-pro­of ver­si­on offers addi­tio­nal pro­tec­tion in harsh pro­duc­tion envi­ron­ments. The splash-pro­of Dyna­code ver­si­on is ide­al for label­ling hygie­nic pro­ducts and in wet-clea­ning pro­duc­tion envi­ron­ments such as dai­ries or cof­fee houses.

Excel­lent flexibility

The Dyna­code series offers the best fle­xi­bi­li­ty to easi­ly switch bet­ween inter­mit­tent and con­ti­nuous prin­ting. During con­ti­nuous prin­ting, the print head remains sta­tio­na­ry while the pack­a­ging film under­neath is fed through uninterruptedly.

Print speed and clock frequency

Due to the very light and pre­cise prin­thead gui­dance, the dyna­code achie­ves a high clock fre­quen­cy in the inter­mit­tent and con­ti­nuous ver­si­ons. Fur­ther­mo­re, we com­pen­sa­te slight par­al­le­lism devia­ti­ons of the coun­ter­pres­su­re pla­te / coun­ter­pres­su­re rol­ler by means of a floa­ting print head bea­ring. Mar­king of varia­ble data, batch num­bers, date and time in real time, we achie­ve this with our own spe­cial soft­ware, which allows extre­me­ly fast data preparation.