Epson ColorWorks C6000 Serie

Epson Color­Works C6000Ae/ C6000 Pe/C6500Ae

Indus­tri­al Color Label Printer

The dawn of a new label prin­ting era! Labels in pho­to print qua­li­ty with 4 or 8 inch print width and eit­her Auto­cut­ter or Peeler!

The Color­Works C6000Ae, C6000Pe, C6500Ae and C6500Pe on-demand prin­ters expand the exis­ting Color­Works pro­duct line and pro­vi­de cus­to­mers in the food and bevera­ge, che­mi­cal, indus­tri­al, hor­ti­cul­tu­ral, and logi­stics indus­tries (such as bee­kee­pers, home bre­we­ries, and self-mar­ket­ers) with a solu­ti­on that enables them to pro­du­ce short to medi­um runs of very high print qua­li­ty on a wide varie­ty of mate­ri­als as nee­ded. All four new Color­Works models will be available around Janu­ary 2020.

  • Easy hand­ling due to cle­ver paper manage­ment and clear dis­play of prin­ter ope­ra­ting sta­tus via color display
  • Con­trol via USB & Ethernet
  • Media varie­ty (Glos­sy, PE, films etc.)
  • Print on any label form
  • The sli­ding sen­sor increa­ses fle­xi­bi­li­ty when using pre-pun­ched labels
  • Inte­gra­ti­on: Models with Pee­ler (Pe) can be seam­less­ly inte­gra­ted into pro­duc­tion lines.
  • Easy Inte­gra­ti­on: Direct SAP Sup­port, ESC/Label, Linux and Mac Drivers
  • Remo­te manage­ment and main­ten­an­ce: Available via web interface
  • High print reso­lu­ti­on with color pro­fil­ing: Very good print qua­li­ty, allows the use of ICC pro­files with spot color manage­ment from within the prin­ter driver.
  • saving: low con­sump­ti­on cos­ts and no stock of prin­ted labels requi­red. Also prints in full colour on labels.
  • Very com­pact foot­print and easy ope­ra­ti­on: All func­tions are acces­si­ble from the front, saving ope­ra­ting space. Rol­ler repla­ce­ment is pos­si­ble from the front, right and left.


Addi­tio­nal information

wine labels Epson C6000

Eit­her with auto­ma­tic paper cut­ter or peeler

The pro­duct line with the pro­duct name ending “Ae” has an auto­ma­tic paper cut­ter, while the models with the pro­duct name ending “Pe” offer a pee­ler that auto­ma­ti­cal­ly remo­ves the back­ing paper of self-adhe­si­ve labels. The Pee­ler models can thus be seam­less­ly inte­gra­ted into exis­ting print-and-app­ly pro­duc­tion lines. In addi­ti­on, the inte­gra­ted I/O port allows con­trol by pro­duc­tion equipment.

Color Works C6500 series CLP GHS Labeling

Media widths

The four new Epson Color­Works sup­port a varie­ty of for­mats, mate­ri­als and label sizes. The Color­Works C6000Ae and C6000Pe models sup­port media widths of 4 inches (25.4 to 112 mm) and the Color­Works C6500Ae and C6500Pe models sup­port media widths of 8 inches (25.4 to 215.9 mm). The new label prin­ters thus cover vir­tual­ly all label pro­duc­tion requi­re­ments — from tiny labels for small vials to lar­ge, dura­ble label sheets for, for exam­p­le, bar­rels of che­mi­cals (GHS stan­dard). This media fle­xi­bi­li­ty and the abili­ty to pro­du­ce labels as requi­red (even in small for­mats) make life easy for com­pa­nies with many artic­les and tight deadlines.